Gönderen Konu: (Hartley 28) Plan Satın Alamama Hikayesi  (Okunma sayısı 10531 defa)


  • İleri Rehber
  • ***
  • İleti: 1.133
  • Ad Soyad: İsmail Oruç
  • Bulunduğu İl: İstanbul
  • Doğum Yılı: 1960
  • Tekne Adı: Devekuşu-2
(Hartley 28) Plan Satın Alamama Hikayesi
« : Eylül 24, 2011, 08:11:03 ÖS »

Değerli arkadaşlar

sizlerle bir plan satın  alıp eline ulaşamama olayını paylaşmak istedim.
Planların elime ulaşmaması bir yana satıcı firmanın verdiği cevapların üzüntü yaratması daha da önemli .
ekim 2010 da internette tekne planı ararken Yeni zellenda'da Hartley Boats isimli bir firma buldum be bu firmanın hartley 28 adlı yelkenli planları hoşuma gitti. adresi: http://www.hartley-boats.com/28.html   

      fiyat model hoşuma gidince 60$ plan 15$ posta masrafını içeren 75$ ı 14 ekim 2010 günü yolladım. Bugun hala planlar elime geçmiş değil. hadi kasım başına kadar para hesaba geçti geçmedi hikayesi olsa  ; kasım2010 başından 26 ocak 2011 tarihine kadar bekledim. yani 3 aygeçti. hala planlardan bi haber yok.

 İlk yazışmamız aşağıda.

Thank you for your order which has been processed direct by our printer and posted airmail to the address you gave.
from the crew at hartley's in New Zealand
----- Original Message -----
From: Ismail Oruç
To: service@hartley-boats.com ; ozgedincsoy@aol.com
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 9:17 AM

Dear Sir ,
We have transfered money to your account for boat plan of Hartley 28. You can find transfer details here below. Please advise us wheter cargo moved frm your company or not. If cargo moved ,please send us cargo and arrival details to our adress.
Transaction details:
Transaction for the value of: USD 72.00
Description: Boat Plans
From: Hartley & Brookes Associates
Merchant's cart ID: 43308758
Authorisation Date/Time: 14/Oct/2010 08:22:54
RBS WorldPay's transaction ID: 1947376181
This is not a tax receipt.
Awaiting for your news.
Thanks & Brgrds


  • İleri Rehber
  • ***
  • İleti: 1.133
  • Ad Soyad: İsmail Oruç
  • Bulunduğu İl: İstanbul
  • Doğum Yılı: 1960
  • Tekne Adı: Devekuşu-2
Ynt: (hartley 28) PLAN satın alamama hikayesi
« Yanıtla #1 : Eylül 24, 2011, 08:13:02 ÖS »
  Bu arada yeni zellada dan buraya yaklaşık 1,5      2 ayda postanın ulaşacağı nı dostlardan öğrendim .
   o günden bu yana yanılmıyorsam 3 defa yazıştık.

    yanılmıyorsam kasım sonunda aşağdaki yazışmamız oldu. bunda benim anladığım planları AİRMAİLPOST ileyolladık diyolar.

Wer have already answered your question several times over.
We say again....our printer send direct and only uses standard AIRMAIL post., we do not use couriers.
It is reliable and items do not normally go missing. We send parcels to Turkey on a regular basis with no problem.
from the crew at Hartley's
----- Original Message -----
From: Ismail Oruç
To: help@hartley-boats.com ; sales@hartley-boats.com ; boatplans@hartley-boats.com
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2010 10:18 AM

Dear Sir ,
We have transfered money to your account for boat plan of Hartley 28. You can find transfer details here below. Please advise us wheter cargo moved from your company or not. If cargo moved ,please send us cargo and arrival details (the date of sending and the reference number etc. ) to our adress so that we can check whether there is a problem about our custom service or not . We have been waiting for so long and we could not get any help from "service@hartley-boats.com" or " hartley-boats@xtra.co.nz" we hope that you could help us.

 Transaction details:
Transaction for the value of: USD 72.00
Description: Boat Plans
From: Hartley & Brookes Associates
Merchant's cart ID: 43308758
Authorisation Date/Time: 14/Oct/2010 08:22:54
RBS WorldPay's transaction ID: 1947376181
This is not a tax receipt.
Awaiting for your news.
Thanks & Brgrds


  • İleri Rehber
  • ***
  • İleti: 1.133
  • Ad Soyad: İsmail Oruç
  • Bulunduğu İl: İstanbul
  • Doğum Yılı: 1960
  • Tekne Adı: Devekuşu-2
Ynt: (hartley 28) PLAN satın alamama hikayesi
« Yanıtla #2 : Eylül 24, 2011, 08:14:38 ÖS »
Daha sonra da aralık 27 sanıyorum. olası posta kaybı yaşanmış olabilir. biz de geciktik , planları mail olarak atın da biz başlıyalım meailne bir yazı yazdık . ve gelen cevap

From: hartley-boats@xtra.co.nz
To: ismailoruc5@hotmail.com
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2010 08:48:17 +1300
Repeat of earlier email again.....
Wer have already answered your question several times over.
We say again....our printer sends direct and only uses standard AIRMAIL post., we do not use couriers.
It is reliable and items do not normally go missing. We send parcels to Turkey on a regular basis with no problem.
from the crew at Hartley's
----- Original Message -----
From: Ismail Oruç
To: hartley-boats@xtra.co.nz
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 8:22 AM

dear sir
passed my hand I lost the mail I get from your boat plans, Mr authorized me to think as these plans again send an e-mail


  • İleri Rehber
  • ***
  • İleti: 1.133
  • Ad Soyad: İsmail Oruç
  • Bulunduğu İl: İstanbul
  • Doğum Yılı: 1960
  • Tekne Adı: Devekuşu-2
Ynt: (hartley 28) PLAN satın alamama hikayesi
« Yanıtla #3 : Eylül 24, 2011, 08:18:31 ÖS »
en sonunda ben de kendi ingilizcemle aşağıdakileri yazdım
çok kızmıştım ama

From: hartley-boats@xtra.co.nz
To: ismailoruc5@hotmail.com
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2010 09:42:53 +1300
Please understand English we use in our messages.
Your plans are sent direct by our printer, we do not send them ?
----- Original Message -----
From: Ismail Oruç
To: hartley-boats@xtra.co.nz
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 9:07 AM

dear sir
I ask several time. when you send plan? you dont answer about date.
Always you said: we send , we send
but you dont say date.
I send money 14.oct. today 27.dec.
it is not normal time.
why you can not say about date.
pleae tell me send date.
best regard


  • İleri Rehber
  • ***
  • İleti: 1.133
  • Ad Soyad: İsmail Oruç
  • Bulunduğu İl: İstanbul
  • Doğum Yılı: 1960
  • Tekne Adı: Devekuşu-2
Ynt: (hartley 28) PLAN satın alamama hikayesi
« Yanıtla #4 : Eylül 24, 2011, 08:22:20 ÖS »
daha sonra  bir mail daha attım sağolsun murat kardeşim yazdı
bakalım bunun cevabı ne olacak. ne de olsa murat kibarca yazdı
ve biz şubat ayına ulaştık

Dear Sirs,

I Bought Hartley 28 Sailboat Plans from your Company in 14/Oct/2010 and paid the plan?s price 72 USD in the same day. More than 3 months passed over the payment but the plans are not arrived to me yet. This is the first time I bought a boat plan, this is why I don?t know what shall I do.
Can you please help me? İn your last mail you say that  your printer is sending the plans. But the plans are not reached to me yet. So maybe the plans are lost? Can you please help me about this situation?
I thank you inadvance for your cooperation and looking forward to hear from you.

Best Regards
İsmail Oruç

Transaction details:
Transaction for the value of: USD 72.00
Description: Boat Plans
From: Hartley & Brookes Associates
Merchant's cart ID: 43308758
Authorisation Date/Time: 14/Oct/2010 08:22:54
RBS WorldPay's transaction ID: 1947376181
This is not a tax receipt.
Awaiting for your news.


  • İleri Rehber
  • ***
  • İleti: 1.133
  • Ad Soyad: İsmail Oruç
  • Bulunduğu İl: İstanbul
  • Doğum Yılı: 1960
  • Tekne Adı: Devekuşu-2
Ynt: (hartley 28) PLAN satın alamama hikayesi
« Yanıtla #5 : Eylül 24, 2011, 08:25:04 ÖS »

Aşağıda Yeni zellenda konsolosluk bilgilerini veriyorum.

Hartleyden plan alan olursa belki lazım olur. (umarım gerekmez ;))


Yeni Zelanda Büyükelçiliği - Ankara

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  • İleri Rehber
  • ***
  • İleti: 1.133
  • Ad Soyad: İsmail Oruç
  • Bulunduğu İl: İstanbul
  • Doğum Yılı: 1960
  • Tekne Adı: Devekuşu-2
Ynt: (hartley 28) PLAN satın alamama hikayesi
« Yanıtla #6 : Eylül 24, 2011, 08:28:54 ÖS »
Murat ın yazdığı maili yolladıktan sonra Hartleyden aşağıdaki maili aldım.be yanıtladık. Şimdilik birkaç gün daha bekliyecez bakalım. İnşallah bu sefer en azından yollama tarihini söylerler. diye ümitleniyorum.

ama plan gelirse ve bende inşaayı bitirir bu aradada biraz da açık deniz tecrübesi edinirsem kesinlikle yeni zellendaya o tekneyla gidip adamlara ne kadar şerefsizsiniz diyip geri dönmek en büyük arzum olmaya başlamıştı
 ve hala aynı duygudayım

Hi Ismail,
We will check the postal records at our local office over the next few days and if no luck in  locating it will send another set to you and claim on our insurance.
from the crew at Hartley's in New Zealand
----- Original Message -----
From: Ismail Oruç
To: hartley-boats@xtra.co.nz
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 4:26 AM
Subject: hartley 28 sailboatplan (Plywood)

Dear Sirs,

I Bought Hartley 28 Sailboat Plans from your Company in 14/Oct/2010 and paid the plan?s price 72 USD in the same day. More than 3 months passed over the payment but the plans are not arrived to me yet. This is the first time I bought a boat plan, this is why I don?t know what shall I do.
Can you please help me? İn your last mail you say that  your printer is sending the plans. But the plans are not reached to me yet. So maybe the plans are lost? Can you please help me about this situation?
I thank you inadvance for your cooperation and looking forward to hear from you.


  • İleri Rehber
  • ***
  • İleti: 1.133
  • Ad Soyad: İsmail Oruç
  • Bulunduğu İl: İstanbul
  • Doğum Yılı: 1960
  • Tekne Adı: Devekuşu-2
Ynt: (hartley 28) PLAN satın alamama hikayesi
« Yanıtla #7 : Eylül 24, 2011, 08:30:46 ÖS »
  Geldik şubat ortasına hala yzışıyoruz ama netice sıfır
sene atladı hala planlar yok

Your questions were answered in the previous message.
Sorry but we sell plans and books, we don't sell CAD files.
from the crew at Hartley's
----- Original Message -----
From: Ismail Oruç
To: hartley-boats@xtra.co.nz
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 12:08 PM
Subject: RE: hartley 28 sailboatplan (Plywood)

Can you give me more information about the process? How much time would it take and can you guarantee that there will be no problems like that again? I need the information because i am going to make some preparations. Can you give me an approximate timing about the process? And also can't you send the plans for me via mail in pdf format in order to save time? Since I have limited time it is very important for me to have the project as soon as possible..
From: hartley-boats@xtra.co.nz
To: ismailoruc5@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: hartley 28 sailboatplan (Plywood)
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 11:26:27 +1300

Please read our last message to you it clearly states that it is the postal records of the Post Offices involved that are to be checked, it is not our records. We do not transport our parcels around the world.
Our printer is processing a duplicate set for you to replace the previous ones which appear to have been lostor stolen somewhere in the Postal System around the world
from the crew at Hartley's in New Zealand
----- Original Message -----
From: Ismail Oruç
To: hartley-boats@xtra.co.nz
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 7:53 AM
Subject: RE: hartley 28 sailboatplan (Plywood)

haven't you checked your records yet?  I am going to act according to your answer , because this transportation process created a lot of problems. I am waiting your answer as soon as possible.

From: hartley-boats@xtra.co.nz
To: ismailoruc5@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: hartley 28 sailboatplan (Plywood)
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2011 08:45:52 +1300

Hi Ismail,
We will check the postal records at our local office over the next few days and if no luck in  locating it will send another set to you and claim on our insurance.
from the crew at Hartley's in New Zealand
----- Original Message -----
From: Ismail Oruç
To: hartley-boats@xtra.co.nz
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 4:26 AM
Subject: hartley 28 sailboatplan (Plywood)

Dear Sirs,

I Bought Hartley 28 Sailboat Plans from your Company in 14/Oct/2010 and paid the plan?s price 72 USD in the same day. More than 3 months passed over the payment but the plans are not arrived to me yet. This is the first time I bought a boat plan, this is why I don?t know what shall I do.
Can you please help me? İn your last mail you say that  your printer is sending the plans. But the plans are not reached to me yet. So maybe the plans are lost? Can you please help me about this situation?
I thank you inadvance for your cooperation and looking forward to hear from you.

Best Regards
İsmail Oruç

Transaction details:
Transaction for the value of: USD 72.00
Description: Boat Plans
From: Hartley & Brookes Associates
Merchant's cart ID: 43308758
Authorisation Date/Time: 14/Oct/2010 08:22:54
RBS WorldPay's transaction ID: 1947376181
This is not a tax receipt.


  • İleri Rehber
  • ***
  • İleti: 1.133
  • Ad Soyad: İsmail Oruç
  • Bulunduğu İl: İstanbul
  • Doğum Yılı: 1960
  • Tekne Adı: Devekuşu-2
Ynt: (hartley 28) PLAN satın alamama hikayesi
« Yanıtla #8 : Eylül 24, 2011, 08:32:35 ÖS »

Mart sonunda nihayet hartleyden bence ilk düzgün cevap geldi.
tabi daha planlara ulaşamadım ama umut fakirin ekmeği

Re: hartley 28 sailboatplan (Plywood)‏
Bununla ilişkili iletileri görmek için, iletileri konuşmaya göre gruplandırın.

Yanıtla  ▼
  Hartley Boats Kişilere ekle
Kime: Ismail Oruç
Dear Ismail,
The main problem appears to be your inability to understand the English language. Our website is in English and we are only able to communicate in English.
We do not take kindly to threats or lies from you, and will withdraw all help for you if you continue with them. We will also take court action against you if you do anything that publicly affects the character of our business or it's dealings.
We do not offer a courier service, we do not advertise anywhere on our website where you placed your order that we offer a courier service, and we have never implied that we can or would ever use a courier service. We have not charged you for a courier service. ONLY A COURIER SERVICE USES TRACKING.
We use standard airpost/airmail only and it is clearly described on our website, and that is what you have paid for and that is what we have used.
We have now sent TWO parcels of plans to the address you have given.
Ismail Oruc
Yenidogan Mah ordu Cad. Nr:115/13 Oruclar
Apt Gaziosmanpasa. Istanbul 34130
We have not sent you template replies but at our extra expense have printed again and posted a second set of plans to you AS PROMISED.
We send many plans to Turkey every month by airmail and have never had a problem with them being lost, they sometimes get delayed for a short while but have never been lost.
The second parcel was sent Airmail International First Class to you on the 3rd of March 2011 with NZ postal receipt no W1000030 59380. Teller ID :T3.
Colin Brookes.mSNAME.
Hartley & Brookes Associates.
P.O.Box 506
New Zealand
----- Original Message -----
From: Ismail Oruç
To: hartley-boats@xtra.co.nz
Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2011 10:45 AM
Subject: RE: hartley 28 sailboatplan (Plywood)

Dear sir/madam;

I have been writing to you from the moment that I have bought plans of a boat from you. All I can get as an answer is that your printing department (or whatever it is) is going to send me the plans. From the moment of purchasing to this moment "nothing" has been delivered to me.

Instead of sending me template replies, please give me an answer if these plans have been sent or not. If the plans are sent, please send me a tracking code of the post, if not sent yet, please refund the amount that I have sent to you AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

If I cannot get any answer from your company until tomorrow about the fate of my purchase, I will write to the NZ consulate in Turkey, and request a formal refund of my money through your consulate. Also, I will write to any sailing forum available on the internet about what happened between me and your company which I don't think will result as a nice marketing campaign for your company.

Best regards.


  • İleri Rehber
  • ***
  • İleti: 1.133
  • Ad Soyad: İsmail Oruç
  • Bulunduğu İl: İstanbul
  • Doğum Yılı: 1960
  • Tekne Adı: Devekuşu-2
Ynt: (hartley 28) PLAN satın alamama hikayesi
« Yanıtla #9 : Eylül 24, 2011, 08:35:28 ÖS »
Ve nihayet nisan sonuna doğru 6 adat fotokopi kağıt geldi.
hartleyden plan almayı düşünenlere belki bir az da olsa faydam dokunmuştur.


  • İleri Rehber
  • ***
  • İleti: 1.133
  • Ad Soyad: İsmail Oruç
  • Bulunduğu İl: İstanbul
  • Doğum Yılı: 1960
  • Tekne Adı: Devekuşu-2
Ynt: (hartley 28) PLAN satın alamama hikayesi
« Yanıtla #10 : Eylül 24, 2011, 08:48:47 ÖS »
Mayıs ayından bu yana planlar üzerinde çalışıp olayı çözmeye çalışıyorum.
İnşallah seneye nisana kadar çözerim de başlarız yapmaya.

ismail oruç


  • Kurucu
  • Onursal Rehber
  • *****
  • İleti: 7.321
    • Denizrehberim Forumu
  • Ad Soyad: Volkan Aydın
  • Bulunduğu İl: Bursa
  • Doğum Yılı: 1991
  • Tekne Adı: Suerte Vogo
Ynt: (hartley 28) PLAN satın alamama hikayesi
« Yanıtla #11 : Eylül 24, 2011, 08:52:54 ÖS »
İsmail abi başından romanlık konu geçmiş yelkenli planlarını da motoryatlar gibi konu yapmıştım,düzenlemiştim yayına alacaktım fakat böyle bir şey yaşandığını öğrenince biraz ertelemekte fayda var.

Suerte Vogo'nun Yapım Macerası İçin Tıklayın!


  • İleri Rehber
  • ***
  • İleti: 1.133
  • Ad Soyad: İsmail Oruç
  • Bulunduğu İl: İstanbul
  • Doğum Yılı: 1960
  • Tekne Adı: Devekuşu-2
Ynt: (hartley 28) PLAN satın alamama hikayesi
« Yanıtla #12 : Eylül 24, 2011, 09:33:51 ÖS »
bunlar benim yaşadıkların volkan

dikkat edilirse ben pek bişi anlatmadım. sadece yazışmaları paylaştım.

bi anlamda yorumsuz yani


  • Kurucu
  • Onursal Rehber
  • *****
  • İleti: 7.321
    • Denizrehberim Forumu
  • Ad Soyad: Volkan Aydın
  • Bulunduğu İl: Bursa
  • Doğum Yılı: 1991
  • Tekne Adı: Suerte Vogo
Ynt: (hartley 28) PLAN satın alamama hikayesi
« Yanıtla #13 : Eylül 24, 2011, 10:00:52 ÖS »
Aynen öyle abi yorumsuz.Ama plan fiyatlarıda oldukça cazip.Keşke hizmetleri de güzel olsaymış tam olurmuş.

Suerte Vogo'nun Yapım Macerası İçin Tıklayın!


  • İleri Rehber
  • ***
  • İleti: 1.133
  • Ad Soyad: İsmail Oruç
  • Bulunduğu İl: İstanbul
  • Doğum Yılı: 1960
  • Tekne Adı: Devekuşu-2
Ynt: (hartley 28) PLAN satın alamama hikayesi
« Yanıtla #14 : Eylül 24, 2011, 11:36:41 ÖS »
planlarda yapımla ilgili hiçbir açıklama yok gibi ayrıca yaparken takılırsan yardım etmiyeceklerini söylüyolar.
ben hala plan ı çözmeye çalışıyorum


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